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Posture and Mobility Assessment with Corrective Exercise Prescription

$350Full Assessment and Exercise design and prescription: I will conduct a 30-45 minute in person assessment including the following: 

1) Posture Assessment - I will assess and take photos of you in all 3 directions (anterior, posterior and laterally) These photos are helpful not only to compare to future photos to see the change and progress in your posture but allow for me to take my time in examining and refer back to make sure I that I don't miss anything.

2) Movement Assessments - I will have you perform a series of movements so I can check to see that the body is moving the way it is supposed to and identify any areas that need to be corrected.

3) Mobility Assessments - I will check the range of motion of 20 different joints throughout your body to see if they are in normal range of motion.  For the joints that are not these assessments will help me pinpoint specific overactive/tight muscles you have.  

     The body functions at its best when it is in correct posture.  When the body is in correct postural alignment it moves and distributes weight evenly and appropriately allowing the muscles, joints and spine to work together to help us move effortlessly.  If something is out of alignment, then injury and pain can occur.

     After the assessment I will then take all of your information and photos and thoroughly go over in great detail.  I will look for any abnormalities and compensations you may have and identify muscle imbalances and weaknesses.  I will then develop a personalized exercise plan consisting of foam rolling/trigger point therapy, stretches, isolated strengthening exercises and integrative movements specifically for you.      

(This includes initial assessment and personalized exercise program only, does not include exercise technique and demonstration....see below for options:)

  • Option A:  If you are a current client you have the option to have a few exercises introduced gradually week to week during your already scheduled training sessions or to use a training session to learn all the exercises at once.
  • Option B: If you are not a current client, an additional session or sessions will need to be purchased for you to learn correct technique and form for your new exercises.

$150 - Follow-up assessment recommended every 6 months

What is Corrective Exercise and why do I need it?

For years I have noticed clients who have been hunched over or when the would squat they couldn't keep their heels on the floor or they would excessively lean forward, as well as other postural or movement dysfunctions.  Even with me doing everything I could to try to correct their form, their bodies would not allow them to perform it correctly.  Because of this I was always curious as to what the reasoning was behind this and I wanted to be able to help them correct it!  So I got certified as a Corrective Exercise Specialist and now I not only know what to look for to identify these issues but exactly what to do to help them fix it!  It's because of either an injury or repetitive movement they have been doing for years which caused muscle imbalances that affects there posture and/or the way they move.  Certain muscles become shortened/tight and the opposing muscles become lengthened and over active/weak.  By addressing these issues those problems can be identified and fixed, if not they will move up or down the kinetic chain and cause more problems in other areas of the body.  Overtime these tight muscles start to have spasms and then begin to form adhesions in the muscles which is like scar tissue that will build up more overtime if not addressed.  This will create further dysfunction at a joint and lead to more pain or injury.

     Some examples include and is often seen in people with computer based jobs.  Long days seated at a desk can lead to chronically overactive/shortened hip flexors, putting the pelvis in a chronically flexed position.  Some other common examples include reduced dorsiflexion from chronic wearing of high heel shoes, forward head posture from too many hours looking down at phone screens "text neck" (yes this is a real term for that condition), an asymmetrical weight shift in students who carry their backpacks on the same side all day, or shoulder impingement with construction workers who repeatedly hammer overhead with the same arm.  

Benefits of postural, movement and mobility assessments may include:

  1. Muscle lengthening and increased flexibility
  2. Keeping bones and joints in the correct postural alignment to support the muscle
  3. Preventing the spine from becoming locked into an irregular position
  4. Preventing strain and overuse of muscles
  5. Preventing low back pain, hamstring strains and other muscular pain
  6. Improving proprioception/balance and weight transference
  7. Improving core stability and muscle balance around the pelvis
  8. Keeping you moving the way your body was meant to and pain free

E-mail or call me to schedule your postural assessment today and get on your way to healing your body and moving pain-free!!!


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